If you’re thinking about how to be more efficient at your office, consider these statistics about paperless office software and its benefits.
The Paperless Office
Every day, offices around the world are saving money, space, and boosting company productivity by moving away from paper-based systems to become a paperless office with software solutions that simplify and amplify the daily grind.
Document indexing software and document management software solutions can integrate with your existing office solutions to streamline workflows and make your employees more efficient (and happier) than they’ve ever been before.
If you’re not a paperless office yet, or even if you are, take a look at the statistics below and make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

What’s it really costing you to not be Paperless?
On average, 50% of knowledge workers’ time is spent creating an preparing documents.
It takes 5 minutes to walk to the filing cabinet and find a document, do what’s needed with it, and then return it.
Up to $700 in labor searching for and replacing documents
Spending over $25k to fill each cabinet
and $2k a year to maintain just one cabinet!
In a paper-based office, the average employee spends…

5-15% of their time reading information,
and 50% of their time just looking for information!
$20 is spent to file and store a single document,
and it costs $120 to find and/or replace misfiled documents.

Ready to go paperless?
See how our award-winning software can help your organization go paperless with a quick tour and FREE trial.

What if you store your files off-site?
Pickup service costs $20, plus another $3 per box handling fee
Regular delivery service costs an additional $20, plus another $3 per box handling fee
Rush delivery service costs and additional $50, plus that pesky $3 per box handling fee

What can you do?
- Scan and digitize your paper documents, contacts, bills, and more with your office multifunction printer.
- And don’t forget to recycle your paper once you’ve scanned it all!
Better Still…
- Pair your office copier or printer with a document indexing software to easily OCR, index, classify, and export documents for even more savings.

Ready to go paperless?
See how our award-winning software can help your organization go paperless with a quick tour and FREE trial.
you can also...
Implement digital workflows to move documents through your office with digital software designed to store and route documents automatically. Tip: look for software with mobile compatibility to ensure approval processes aren’t held up while someone’s out of the office.
Use a document management system to securely store and easily search your digital documents. Tip: look for software that integrates with other programs to save even more time and money.
How else can you save?
Install and use PDF editing programs and implement digital signing policies and procedures.
- More than 75% of people from large organizations don’t have pdf editors available to them 75%
- 45% of companies report that it takes over a week to get a contract signed 45%
- eSigning reduces document turnarond time by 80% 80%